
You’ve already attended our Program, Challenge or worked with us as a client if you are seeing this page, and you have already had the opportunity to ask questions about the Epic Upgrade or any other of Keri's program. Therefore, you should NOT invest in this program if you think you might want to refund it. Once you have received the information you cannot give it back or “unsee” it. You will have received access to our valuable intellectual property and materials and therefore THERE ARE NO REFUNDS AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REFUND ON THIS PROGRAM WHATSOEVER. All sales are final. If you think you might want a refund just do not invest in this program. We are only interested in people who are honestly committed to consuming and using these materials and unfortunately, we have had those in the past who invested in the program and after receiving all the information tried to refund. We do not support this unethical behavior. Once again, THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR THIS PROGRAM.


50% Complete

Two Step

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